Addressing conceptual disagreements and representation in EMI teacher education

Kerry J. Pusey


This paper describes three ways in which EMI teacher education curriculum can be informed and/or improved. Based on insights gained from piloting an EMI teacher training course at a university in the south of Brazil during the 2019 academic year, as well as an analysis of the limited body of literature on EMI teacher education, it is argued that (1) conflicting definitions of EMI, (2) critical dimensions of EMI, and (3) contributions from the field of TESOL be included as themes and/or key sources of information in EMI teacher education programs.


English as a Medium of Instruction; Teacher Education; Higher Education; Internationalization


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E-ISSN: 2359-1145

Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza | Faculdade de Tecnologia de Itaquaquecetuba

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